NOTE2: For the stablest experience I recommend using this with ENBBoost, Oblivion Stutter Remover, EngineBugFixes and NVAC (NVAC is for New Vegas, but works with Oblivion too) NOTE3: If you use Oblivion Reloaded this fix probably won't have any effect for you, OR changes/fixes a lot of things, which sadly seems to make Alt-Tabbing even more. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Unfortunately the original author appears to be mia, and was not able to respond to issues as they arose on modern Windows variants. Oblivion stutter remover is a necessity for anyone playing a vanilla or modernized install of Oblivion.Game stuttering (random pauses of some milliseconds up to some seconds) can have several different reasons. This is fixed by clamping Negative LOD Bias while playing Oblivion, "High Quality" mode enables negative LOD clamping by default. Guide News 11 Review Articles 4 Videos 3 Files 40 Images 95 Expansions 11 Series.Textures appear to shimmer and "crawl" as you move about the game world. Steam build (in v0017b)The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Oblivion Stutter Remover v.4.1.37: mod: 197.1 KB: : 3.3K: 8: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches v.24: mod: 5.6 MB: : 3.5K: 7: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion RPG. All users will need to update to this build in order to use OBSE v0017 and later. It provides fixes for the FormID problems and supports Shivering Isles.

This is the latest official build of Oblivion. HAVE FUN!OBSE provides official support for: Oblivion & Shivering Isles build It is a plugin for Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas. TES Reloaded is one of the biggest project of the modding community. 3) Copy the OBSE folder into the Data folder. 1) In the folder that's at OBSE/Plugins, move back out to the Data folder (The folder that has the OBSE folder in it) 2) In the folder that has the mods in it, find "Blockhead" and extract the archive.