Just because i do not know properly which button does what, they shouldn't kill me for not putting my hands up. (sorry for my language but it's annoying) So here i am bitching, lost all my money, everything, ruining my whole arma3 and gta life experience by some cunts. I tried, but i couldn't do it while i was treating myself. Fourth and final time, right before getting annoyed and angry, i crashed my car, hurt myself, began treating myself using medkit, someone tells me to put my hands up. Third time, guy asked for my car keys, couldn't give it to him, didn't know which was the correct button for it. Counted back from 3 faster than speed of light, but i didnt know how to do it. Second time, near Sofia another guy told me to put my hands up, i have three seconds to comply. As a fresh player i didn't know who he was, i asked him why? He shot me. And everytime i get killed by some thugs for no apparent reason.First time, guy honks at me, i stop, he shot at my window, told me to get out of the car. I bought arma3 2 days ago, started playing on GTA life yesterday.